W E L C O M E . O N . M Y . B L O G !

Hello everybody,
It has been a very long time I was waiting to find the time to create such a web media, and this time has finally come!
I'm sincerely glad to welcome you on my design blog, and I hope you will discover interesting material and maybe we will have opportunities to talk about design right there. Wadezign's area will be specially dedicated to my recent past and my upcoming works, but oldies but goodies will be viewable on WALDEZIGN' S ATTIC, and I also will focus on my ESPACE Sbarro year on WALDEZIGN' S ESPACE.
I hope you will also appreciate these two other sites!
Good surf!


V A I L L A N T E . B E R L I N E T T E

(2008) My new challenge up to come: A little Vaillante Berlinette (Jean Graton's readers will understand).
Up: I've just begun my rendering: areas are defined, sketch is cleaned, we are ready to fight!
Up: Today, I ve managed to find some time to begun the dark and light areas rendering
Up: This concept is in stand-by: I'm focusing on the CXX nowadays!

(2008) Mon nouveau défi à venir: Une petite Berlinette Vaillante (les lecteurs de Jean Graton comprendront)
MAJ: Je viens de commencer le rendu: les zones sont définies, le croquis a été nettoyé, nous sommes prêts à en découdre!
MAJ: Aujourd'hui, j'ai réussi à trouver un peu de temps pour m'occuper des zones claires/obscures
MAJ: Ce concept est un peu en stand-by: je me concentre sur la CXX en ce moment!


P O R S C H E . 9 9 9

(2008) Coming soon on your screens: The front view of the Porsche 999.
The sketch is not that good, so I will slightly modify it with Photoshop.

(2008) Bientôt sur vos écrans: La vue avant de la Porsche 999 du Tuto. Come le croquis n'est pas terrible, je vais légèrement le reprendre sur Photoshop.

P O R S C H E . 9 9 9

Suite à de nombreuses demandes, voici la VF!

(2008) Bonjour, ce post sera un peu différent des autres. Je le mettrai à jour régulièrement pour en faire un genre de tutoriel. Toutes les étapes ne seront pas détaillées ici, mais j'essayerai néanmoins de montrer les plus significatives.
1/ le croquis brut de décoffrage. Pour ma part, c'est toujours Faber Castell Polychromos (en général dans les rouges foncés) avec du bic épais pour repasser les traits importants. Ca m'arrive parfois aussi de dessiner directement sur la Cintiq, mais je préfère toujours la sensation du crayon sur le papier (standard).
En fait, je ne suis pas vraiment un as du croquis, ma formation n'ayant pas été assez complète de ce côté là, et c'est pour cela qu'il me faut souvent de nombreux essais infructueux avant d'obtenir un résultat convenable (5 dans cet exemple). Cela dit, dessiner une Porsche est un exercice très difficile que même le bureau de Style de Porsche n'a pas toujours réussi!
Essayez...vous comprendrez!
2/ croquis importé dans Photoshop, j'en profite pour agrandir la roue arrière, un peu timide.
3/ retraçage complet des traits importants (ici sur illustrator), j'en profite pour ajouter les arêtes et autres traits brillants (césures). Je crées les différentes zones du véhicule (caisse, accessoires, pneus, vitrages,...
4/ traitement des parties foncés du rendu de la carrosserie
5/ parties claires
6/ bleu ciel sur les parties orientées vers le haut
7/ à ce stade, on commence clairement à comprendre les volumes et reliefs du véhicule, il est donc temps de passer aux vitrages dont le premier calque est un rendu en aplats du cockpit.
8/ une couche de sombre (mode produit), une couche de clair (mode superposition), pas de question à se poser, c'est toujours pareil!
9/ un petit tour en gris métal pour s'occuper des reflets. Appliquer des reflets est une science qui ne s'acquiert pas du jour au lendemain, il faut beaucoup travailler pour ne pas que les reflets ajoute de la confusion, mais du réalisme. En général, les reflets sont un calque de gris très clair (avec en plus un bonus que je ne détaillerai pas ici) en mode produit. J'en profite pour ajouter les ombres sur un calque.
10/ un petit calque de plus en superposition pour les reflets clairs, et j'atténue le tout au premier plan (effet peinture métal)
11/ les roues (rien de spécial)
12/ les points lumineux pour la vie, quelques glows et un petit halo, ça ne mange pas de pain quand c'est bien fait!! FINI!
13/ le superbonus: un petit jeu: devinez la différence entre la dernière image et la précédente. Merci de répondre par email!

Evidemment, n'hésitez pas à poster un commentaire!


P O R S C H E . 9 9 9

(2008) Hello, This post will be a little different: it will be updated as often as possible to make a kind of tutorial. I won't really detail all the steps of the rendering, but I'll try to show the most significant moments of the process.
-1/ the raw sketch: I always use Faber Castell Polychromos (dark red color) on standard paper, adding some lines with a black bold Bic (French ball pen) for the key lines. I sometimes also draw directly on the wacom cintiq, but I prefer the feeling of the pen on the paper. Actually, I'm not a sketchman, therefore I need several failures to end a good sketch (5 for tis example). Moreover, designing a Porsche is maybe the most difficult exercise ever, try it, you'll understand...
-2/ second step: the raw sketch imported into Photoshop, I take the opportunity to oversize the rear wheel
-3/ Then I replace the basis sketch by clean strokes (herewith illustrator) + defining different areas (glazing, exhaust, mirrors, and so on...)
-4/ Dark render on the body
-5/ Light render on the body
-6/ Sky on the top
-7/ At this moment, the body seems to begin to be enough defined, soI can switch on the glazing surfaces rendering. With my technique, the cockpit is always treated as if it was only a wallpaper, the first layer is dedicated to this imitation of the interior of the car.
8/ The second step is for dark/light rendering (multiply/screen). No need to wonder, it is alwas the same stuff!
9/ Then returning to the whole car rendering, I start to deal with reflection and shadows (the color have change in order to shift my point of view, and therefore to have a better sight on the project.
At this time, the sketch looks almost finished, but the road to glory is still very long...
10/ I add clear reflections to the dark ones, and smooth them in the foreground.
11/ Wheels rendering
12/ light points, glow effects, and halo. Over!
13/ Superbonus: just a little game: what is the difference with the former image? Plz answer by email
Of course, you can add your comments!

V O I S I N . C X X

(2008): Concours Worldscoop. Just a little competition for the forum guys. I've took opportunity of this event to recycle my preferate theme, aka Voisin CXX!


A L F A . R O M E O . 1 2 C 6 0 0 0

(1996) Drawn at the ESPERA Sbarro school.The comment will be updated later.


P E U G E O T . 2 0 6

(1991) At the same time, this anticiption of the replacement for the 205, a boxy bigger car, wich was maybe much closer to the 106 (just released) and the 306 (to come)!
Please notice the reflection running on the side of the front car, but then also on the back one!

T A L B O T . E L E G A N C E

(1991) The revival vogue has still a beautiful future, but also a well stocked past, as with this "elegant" Talbot, "presented" at the same time that the twin PSA 605 and XM!
The rough is interesting for the kid-designers, because made only with a black marker and a black pencil (and maybe also a thin Rotring). Please, forget (or forgive) the background!!!

B E R L I N E T T E . E C H A P P E M E N T . M K 2

(1997) Have you ever heard of the first Berlinette Hommell Echappement? This one is the second version, more compact, but not less sporty and efficient, build for the track!


(1990) The new mini was a kind of Arlesienne for all the fans of that pretty small car, and I was very far to expect there would be a real New Mini at that time!!!

M E R C E D E S . C M

(1995) This project was made for the Concours Designer's Europe which theme was "a berline for Europe". My idea was to mix the practical aspects of the classical sedan (with a trunk door), with a more functional van/fastback tailgated car. It is funny to notice that this concept has been brought to production recently within the Skoda Superb II. Sadly, I think I was not even ranked in the top 10 that year...


V O I S I N . C X X

(2003) The second phase of my study for the Avions-Voisin Revival. But even if there was good ideas for the future, I'm not satisfied with these sketches... Moreover, the third rendering is very "flat" in my opinion. to be continued...

S K O D A . B U G S T E R

(1996): Concours Designer's Europe '96: A little Skoda as light as possible, fun while low cost, low cost but fun, that was the deal. The jury appreciated: 4th rank! Maybe you'll like that one!


R E N A U L T . M E G A N E . C O U P E

(1997) This concept was forecasting the Avantime concept, but lower in the range. Finally, it can be compared (spiritually speaking) with the current Seat Léon: a blend between coupé and monovolume (while Avantime was clearly more a monovolume)

V O I S I N . C X X

(2002) Interior sketches. Even if the 2020 Avions-Voisin is not clearly defined in my mind, it seems to be obvious for me that the interior will have to be like no one else. These are the first expressions of the interior concept.


V O I S I N . C X X

(2002) Another serie of Avions-Voisin Roughs.