W E L C O M E . O N . M Y . B L O G !

Hello everybody,
It has been a very long time I was waiting to find the time to create such a web media, and this time has finally come!
I'm sincerely glad to welcome you on my design blog, and I hope you will discover interesting material and maybe we will have opportunities to talk about design right there. Wadezign's area will be specially dedicated to my recent past and my upcoming works, but oldies but goodies will be viewable on WALDEZIGN' S ATTIC, and I also will focus on my ESPACE Sbarro year on WALDEZIGN' S ESPACE.
I hope you will also appreciate these two other sites!
Good surf!


L O C A L . M O T O R S . B I G . Z

(2008): Hello, we have the results for the just completed LM competition.

What a pity, my "so cute" Big Z ends at the 6th rank! It is not a so bad place for a simple remake of the VW combi/bulli, is it?

Of course, I'm kidding you, this was a clearly complete new concept, but, as I said in the comments, it is maybe easier to finish in the top three with an agressive formula-one-like roadster than with a more realistic van proposal, probably less self-valuable but pretty more useable for the end-user (aka surfer). Therefore, I think the 6th rank is a very good result!

Next time (Boston Competition, I will kill everybody with a foolish urban roadster with attaché-cases making the side doors! (Hey, let it be, it's a joke!!)

You can discover the top 8 here:
1/ iBite / average 3.976 / my vote: 2 (well, good work but...)
2/ Huaka / average 3.753 / my vote: 3 (not that bad, it worths it!)
3/ Unoh / average 3.706 / my vote: 2 (a little bit advertised by LM on the blogs... but why not?)
4/ Ikaika ka'a /average 3.658 / my vote: 3 (Also alb advertised, but clearly better than the top 3s)
5/ Koa Warrior / average 3.469 / my vote: 2 (also alb advertised; I have a feeling of déjà-vu with this one)
6/ Big Z / average 3.432 / my vote: 4 (probably the best - JOKE!)
7/ Ikaika / average 3.369 / my vote: 5/I want it (this is really the best, in my opinion!)
8/ Mohala / average 3.332 / my vote: 2 (also alb advertised, the concept was better than the styling)

Congratulations for the winners, and see you for the next one!