W E L C O M E . O N . M Y . B L O G !

Hello everybody,
It has been a very long time I was waiting to find the time to create such a web media, and this time has finally come!
I'm sincerely glad to welcome you on my design blog, and I hope you will discover interesting material and maybe we will have opportunities to talk about design right there. Wadezign's area will be specially dedicated to my recent past and my upcoming works, but oldies but goodies will be viewable on WALDEZIGN' S ATTIC, and I also will focus on my ESPACE Sbarro year on WALDEZIGN' S ESPACE.
I hope you will also appreciate these two other sites!
Good surf!


I N O V A . 0 6 . F O R . L A N D . R O V E R

A simple transposition of our PO concept for LR design.

Une simple transposition de notre concept PO pour LR design.


I N O V A . 0 6

(2006): Just one teaser for the moment, but I will post ASAP the complete story of iNOVA project, a Plastic Omnium rear-end-module innovative concept. Here are the final rendering (before modelling the first prototype (mk I) of the project) and then the final video of the project (mk II, aka IAA'07 version).

N O . N A M E

(2008) Just a little car to make a kind of blend between freshly introduced Tata Nano and Apple's simplicity values. In fact, this apparently inoffensive car hides a certain innovative potential, but this is another story...



(2007): Back from very nice holidays with this cute innovative truck project shared between Plastic Omnium and V3P (Volvo-Renault Trucks). The objective was to illustrate new concepts for a pedestrian friendly urban truck, therefore also with a friendly design. We have explored many ways to achieved the final sofTruk.